Weathering the Upcoming Storm

With sequestration looming, ever increasing budget pressures, and “reduced funding” as the political term of the hour, survival, not growth, is the goal over the next few years.

Winners in today’s market will:
Identify true discriminators- and those of their competitors.  How do your solutions differ from those of your competitors?  What things stand out, and what does the customer care about?  Be sure to prove the benefit of your solutions over those of your competition.
Plan ahead, and stick to the plan (as appropriate).  Know your business.  Use proven methodologies and trusted outside consultants like Richter & Company for your competitive analysis and Price to Win needs.  Focus on opportunities that meet your business goals.  Well planned projects take time, so start planning early.  Planning ahead enables the best and most effective use of bid and proposal dollars, a successful solution design, and buy in from all stakeholders.
Adopt a disciplined approach to business development.  Know the opportunities your company can and should win.  If you bid on everything that comes your way, and decide to wait to figure out how to perform a contract, you’re going to have problems.  Instead, spend precious bid and proposal dollars on programs you plan ahead for.  Focus on a strong win ratio.
Make tough choices, live with the consequences and learn from mistakes.  It doesn’t help to point fingers and blame people, companies, and current politics.  Don’t be afraid to stray from status quo solutions to survive the upcoming storm.