Many incumbent contractors believe they can’t lose the recompete of “their contract.” They’ve held the contract for years. They have good people. The end users are happy with their performance. So they bid the status quo. At Richter & Company, we call this incumbentitis.
In today’s aggressive marketplace, creativity is key. Price is an increasingly important factor. The cost-risk tradeoff stands in a more delicate balance. Good people can be poached. And the end users are not often the “buying customers.” An incumbent contractor can have a hard time offering creative solutions. They’re wearing the target, and if their proposed solution is too different from the solution they’ve offered in the past, the customer can doubt their current efforts.
Let Richter & Company help you beat incumbentitis. Our consultants are up to date on market trends and data that will affect the recompete. We have a large number of connections within industry, and considerable insight as to what the government is seeking and Price to Win strategies to help you win more business, especially in today’s hypercompetitive market. Richter & Company excels in offering independent analysis, so you can be sure to beat the onset of incumbentitis.