To say the federal contracting space is complex is an understatement. From NASA to the Department of Defense and every agency in between, government entities go about evaluating costs and purchasing goods and services differently. Although most (with noteworthy exceptions like USPS and the Federal Aviation Administration), must comply with…
Category: Price To Win

Use Data Analytics to Your Highest Advantage
In a highly competitive bid landscape, data analytics can give you an edge over your competition. Data analysis systematically uses applied statistics and local techniques…

PTW (Price to Win) G&A vs. Overhead in Developing Aggressive Costs
Developing Aggressive Pricing: Overhead vs. G&A The government contracting arena is filled with words, phrases, and acronyms that can be difficult for the less experienced…

Parametric Price to Win (PTW) Analysis: When & How to Use It to Win More Work
When you’re looking for a ballpark estimate, an analogous (AKA “back of the envelope”) calculation may be all you need. After a quick look at…

Price-to-Win: The Trade-off Between Capabilities & Price
A big part of winning a deal in the federal marketplace depends on how effective your PTW (Price-to-Win) strategy, or position, is. Keep in mind…

Winning in the Federal Marketplace: Does the Incumbent Still Have the Advantage?
Time was when incumbents nearly always won the day in the federal marketplace. Typically, service contracts repeat themselves at the end of a 3–5 year contract period, and, despite the incumbent’s inherent advantage, federal agencies allow these contractors to bid on the repeat contract.

Price To Win: Know When to Hold ‘em and When to Fold ‘em
In today’s federal marketplace, anyone can compete for business. And anyone can win—at least some of the time. It’s the possible losses, however, that can…

Competitive Analysis Leads to a More Successful Price to Win
“It is wiser to find out than to suppose”. – Mark Twain Many organizations and capture leaders understand and appreciate the value of Price to…
Success Means Knowing When to Fold
Texas Hold ’em is a game of skill. Over the years, successful players like David Sklansky, have developed complex algorithms to guide their decision making when a particular hand is dealt. This mathematical approach helps improve their win probability – but it’s not the total answer.
Great ‘Que Takes Planning
In barbecue contests, timing is everything. Each of your four entries (chicken, ribs, pork and brisket) have to be turned in within 5 minutes of…